I think the late afternoon was actually the best part of the day for visiting that place. El Rocio seems to be some kind of forgotten village, where people just live their lives not paying too much attention on what's going on in the world outside. Many houses are abandoned, pubs and bars have a few clients, just sitting outside, slowly drinking their cold beers and there are almost no tourists. There are no asphalt roads so everything is covered with sand and dust. I was walking around el Rocio as if I was under some kind of spell, enchanted with all those white houses, red roofs, little balconies and patios. I loved that complete lack of civilisation and people riding the horses and carriages, as if there were no cars. At some point, I really felt like in one of those small mexican villages that you only know from the old soap operas.
I loved that 'FOR HORSES ONLY' sign in front of one of the restaurants thinking it was a joke, until that man came to actually park his horse over there.
Zenon's living his own life recently. Shutters get stuck sometimes and he's kinda getting crazy, creating strange effects, but I kinda like it. Well, as long as I am not loosing the rolls.
Pamiętam jak mówiłaś 'po prostu musze miec jakieś hobby żeby wpisać w CV' i to brzmiało jakbys szukała czegos tak randomowo;) Jaki random, no fuckin' coincidence over here! To sie kurde talent nazywa, a jak bedziesz już sławna to możesz powiedzieć, że to my z Lemonem Cie inspirowałysmy:D Blog to dobry pomysł, wygląda fajnie, keep going.
OdpowiedzUsuńFaktycznie jakiś niezły Meksyk tam masz.. Brakuje jeszcze kolesi w ponczach i sombrero.. ;-)
OdpowiedzUsuńPodoba mi się przed-ostatnie zdjęcie, trzy końskie dupeczki robią klimat.. Jak na zakończenie westernu!
P.S. Widzę, że nie tylko u mnie ta rolka jakieś dziwne kolory wytwarza. Tzn widzę podobne efekty,
myślałam, że coś spieprzyłam w swoim, a jednak.. głupie kodaki. ;-)